If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return or exchange the item in its original, unused condition (including all original packaging) within 30 days for a full refund, less shipping and handling charges.
In order to process your return, click here. If you don't have an account, contact us.
A customer service representative from Purely Inspired will contact you within 48-72 hrs with an RMA # (Return Merchandise Authorization Number) as well as a packing slip that must be included with the package. Mail the package to the specified address provided via USPS. Customer is responsible for paying all return shipping fees.
If a package is returned with no return label and/or RMA #, you may experience delays with the return or it may not be authorized.
Returns only apply to product that has been purchased from our online store only. We do not accept returns for purchases made from any other retailer. Please be advised that your refund will be calculated using any promotion or discount that was applied during original purchase.